Drs. Sabine Craft-Giepmans


Head Research & Development

E: craft@rkd.nl 
T: 070 3339705

Medewerker RKD Sabine Craft-Giepmans

Curriculum vitae and duties

Sabine Craft-Giepmans studied Art History in Leiden and has worked for the RKD – Netherlands Institute for Art History since 1998. She began at the department of Old Netherlandish Paintings as project staff member. In the period 2001-2005 she combined this with research into the collection of the Antwerp Museum Mayer van den Bergh and the Smidt van Gelder collection.

In 2003 Craft was appointed assistant curator at the Iconographic Bureau and since 2005 she is curator of Portrait Iconography. She combines her duties here with research into the producers of portraits by studying possible identification details and the history of those portayed in the portraits. Her specialism is portraits from the seventeenth century. Since 2007 Sabine Craft is head of the department of Portrait Iconography and she represented the RKD as the initiator and project leader of the exhibition Portret in Portret in de Nederlandse schilderkunst, which was presented in the Dordrechts Museum in 2012. Together with Annette de Vries she was responsible for editing the accompanying catalogue. This collaboration resulted in them both publishing the article Adellijke familieportretten op Duivenvoorde in 2015.

In 2016 Sabine published an essay on the family portraits from the family Oranje-Nassau for the summer exhibition in the Dam Palace, Amsterdam. Later that year she also made a small contribution to the exhibition catalogue on Cesar van Everdingen which opened in the Alkmaar Museum in the autumn of 2016 and which continued at the National Museum in Helsinki.

Publications (selection)

  • Adellijke familieportretten op Duivenvoorde, Zwolle 2015 (with  A. de Vries)
  • Portret in portret in de Nederlandse kunst 1550-2012, Bussum 2012 (with A. de Vries)
  • Catalogus Hollandse meesters zeventiende en achttiende eeuw. Museum Mayer van den Bergh en Collectie Smidt van Gelder, Antwerp 2006