
Donations whether large or small are greatly appreciated. They are vital in helping the RKD to realise important purchases and activities. The RKD is a cultural charity (ANBI in Dutch), which means that donors can make full use of the tax allowances of the Charitable Donations Act. Donations can be one-off or regular.
One-off donation
You can support us by doing a gift. Every contribution is welcome!
Gifts in kind
Would you like to donate an archive or other material? Submit it via the contact form, select the option 'Donation for RKD collection'.
One-off donation
You can give support by making a single payment to the RKD. The gift may be deducted from income tax if it meets certain conditions. More information about this can be found on the website of the Dutch tax authorities (Belastingdienst). A one-off donation can be paid directly into the RKD’s bank account.
Periodical donation
If a gift is subject to an agreement with the RKD lasting a minimum of five calendar years, then the full amount is deductible from income tax. You can find more information here. Since 2014 regular gifts have been possible without need of a formal legal agreement, using a simple gift agreement registered with the tax authorities. The form can be downloaded here.
Donating in your will
Another way in which you can support us is to include the RKD in your will. You can either make a pecuniary legacy, or name the RKD as beneficiary of your will. Such legacies are free of inheritance tax and allow the RKD to benefit from the entire value of the bequest. A solicitor will help you to formalise your wishes: a document can be prepared stating the precise details of what you wish to leave to the RKD and any conditions that apply.
Gifts in kind
You can also make a gift in kind by passing on to the RKD an archive or documentation about Netherlandish art. Proposals for donations can be made using the contact form. Each offer will be assessed by the RKD’s relevant specialists and archivists. To make a proper assessment it is important that the RKD is given the fullest possible information about the archive or documentation, telling us about the type of material, the quantity, its (former) owner and an indication of the content.
Become a sponsor
Would your business like to invest in knowledge? Then sponsoring the RKD – as one of the most important art-historical documentation and research institutes in the world, with nearly 2 million online visits a year – is a good option. One way to sponsor the RKD is by contributing to a specific campaign such as the purchase of an archive or other project with which you would like to involve your business. For further information: Hans van de Willige,