Drs. Ramses van Bragt


Manager Acquisitions

E: bragt@rkd.nl
T: 070 3339773

Medewerker RKD Ramses van Bragt

Curriculum vitae and duties

Ramses van Bragt studied Art History (University of Amsterdam, 2001). He has been archivist at the RKD – Netherlands Institute for Art History since 2007, in which capacity he led the conservation and digitisation projects of the Jan Toorop and Jan Mankes archives (2008), as well as Archives of Art Dealers (2017), as part of the Metamorfoze programme. He was also in charge of the major inventory project for the Gerrit Rietveld Academie archive.

As Process Coordinator for Acquisitions since 2018, Van Bragt has been our first point of contact for acquisitions. In this role he coordinated the acquisition of the archives of herman de vries (2019), Maryan Ainsworth (2020) and Armando (2021).

In 2013-2014 he was on the working group of the Association of National Museums (Vereniging van Rijksmusea, VRM) which drew up a report (Staatscourant 21516, 2014) on the selection list of organisations that qualify as Rijksmusea (1946-1995). In the 2014 annual report of the Friends of the Hague Historical Museum (Geschiedkundige Vereniging Die Haghe) Ramses van Bragt published an article about the history of the construction of the Spoortlaan flats (The Hague), designed by Piet Zanstra and with works of art by Jan Goeting. From time to time he also writes on the subject of archives in publications such as Archievenblad and Origine.

To make sure his knowledge and training remain up to date, he has followed various courses, including the foundation year for Archive Studies (University of Amsterdam, 2010-2011), PRINCE2 (2013), as well as courses on digital preservation (Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed, 2016), fund-raising (2020) and situational leadership (2021).

Publications (selection)

  • ‘Het project Kunsthandelarchieven (1850-1950)‘, in: RKD Bulletin, 2017-II (dec. 2017), pp. 39-45
  • ‘State of the Art Archives. Internationaal congres over kunstarchieven‘, in: Archievenblad, jrg. 121 (nr. 10, dec. 2017), pp.24-25
  • ‘Het roemloos einde van de collectie Boendermaker gevisualiseerd‘, in: RKD Bulletin, 2016-II (dec. 2016), pp. 48-49
  • ‘Onbekende tekening en foto van Jan Toorop in kunstenaarsarchief Wim de Bock‘, in: Hét tijdschrift voor Kunst, antiek en design, jrg. 23 (nr. 3, 2016), pp. 46-47
  • 'Zestig jaar Sportlaanflats (1954). Een geschiedenis van de bouw', in: Jaarboekje Geschiedkundige Vereniging Die Haghe 2014 (jrg. 115), pp. 158-187
  • 'Archief van Rietveld Academie geïnventariseerd 125 jaar kunstonderwijs', in: RKD Bulletin, 2014-I (juni 2014), pp. 35-39 (with Martine Kuipers)