Drs. Lisanne Jacobs


Head Service & Communications

E: jacobs@rkd.nl 
T: 070 3339702

Medewerker RKD  Lisanne Jacobs

Curriculum Vitae and duties

Lisanne Jacobs studied art history at the Catholic University of Nijmegen (now Radboud University Nijmegen).

She has been in post as Head of Service and Communications at the RKD – Netherlands Institute for Art History since January 2019. Prior to this she was marketing and communication manager for the Maas Theatre and Dance Company from its inception in 2013, developing the publicity strategy for the Maaspodium venue and its companies.

Before that, she ran her own cultural sector communications agency, Bureau 28B. Her clients included the Department of Art and Culture of Rotterdam City Council as well as DOX Theatre Company and RO Theatre Company. From 2007 to 2011 she was Head of Publicity and External Relations at Rotterdam's O.T. Theatre and Opera O.T. Previously she had worked as a communications officer for various cultural organisations including the National Archives of the Netherlands, InterArt Foundation, Arnhem, and Claire Beke – Communication in Culture. After graduating she worked as an academic research assistant at the newly established MuZIEum (MuSEEum) in Nijmegen, where visitors can experience the world through the senses of a person with sight loss.

Throughout her career Lisanne has focused on the transmission of artistic and/or scholarly content to the public.