Drs. Lian Wintermans

Information Specialist Linked Open Data
Curriculum Vitae and duties
Lian Wintermans studied Slavic Languages and Literatures at at Leiden University. She began her career in 1999 working for IDC Publishers (part of Brill since 2006), where she was involved in describing Slavic primary source collections. She completed a course in information studies and she was also the person who trained new recruits at IDC.
From 2009-2018 Wintermans worked at the National Library of the Netherlands as an information specialist, where she focused on metadata standardization and metadata policies and best practices in the context of access to and long term preservation of the collections. At the same time, from 2014-2017, she was studying classical music at the Schumann Akademie.
Since 2018 she has been working as an independent consultant and trainer, while also pursuing her interest in digital musicology. She is also chair of the Dutch RDA (Resource Description and Access) Committee, which operates under the auspices of FOBID, the professional association for the Dutch library sector.
From 2021 Lian has been working as Information Specialist for Linked Open Data at the RKD – Netherlands Institute for Art History, where she takes care of managing the vangoghworldwide.org platform and contributes to the RKD Research platform.