RKD Nederlands Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis

The knowledge institute of the visual arts of the Low Countries

The RKD — Netherlands Institute for Art History offers museums, academic community and the public a wealth of collections, knowledge and publications for extensive research and inspiration

About the RKD


News and recent developments

Samuel van Hoogstraten gets online catalogue raisonné

The RKD is working with the Rembrandthuis Museum on an online catalog raisonné by Samuel van Hoogstraten.
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Samuel van Hoogstraten en Joachim Oudaan, Zelfportret van Samuel van Hoogstraten, 1677, collectie RKD

RKD Podcast: Sophia Adriana Lopez Suasso-de Bruijn

A female collector with a predilection for decorative art.
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Vrouwelijke verzamelaar Sophia Adriana de Bruijn

Abraham Bredius in Kyiv

In 1897, Abraham Bredius visited the Khanenko collection in Kyiv, which he described in one of his notebooks in de the RKD collection.
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RKD Research Man in orintaalse kleding, 1632 gedateerd


Dive into the RKD collection

Our collection includes the world's largest art history library, over 2.5 kilometres of archival material, many digital data, documentation and technical information on art



From general art literature, art lexicons, artists' books and preciosa to the large collection of auction catalogues.


You can view archive material at the RKD. Request an archive at least two days in advance.

Digital data

With RKD Research, you search seven databases containing millions of data.


Begin your research

Doing your own art history research? Start online with RKD Research, check out one of the other websites, or drop by our study room in The Hague. We are happy to help!

Onderzoek doen

Check out the various research platforms

Like Van Gogh Worldwide, Mondrian Papers and the Rembrandt Database.

Visit the RKD

Do research in our study room, take part in an event and view our exhibition.

Search the RKD Research databases

Get started right away and begin your research online!


Results of art historical research

As a knowledge institute, we work closely with museums, heritage institutions and universities. Besides a research role, the RKD serves a public function. Our staff contributes to publications and exhibitions


In the footsteps of Herman Saftleven: Utrecht's city rampart drawings

The latest RKD Study is dedicated to more than 175 drawings of Herman Saftleven (1609-1685).
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Herman Saftleven, De Utrechtse stadswal bij het Paardenveld, tussen 1660 en 1665, collectie Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten, Brussel

RKD Study dedicated to Cornelis Kruseman

On 25 June, the RKD Study Cornelis Kruseman (1797-1857): Earthly fame and heavenly ambition was published.
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Graflegging van Christus geschilderd door kunstenaar Cornelis Kruseman

RKD Study Frans Hals and his workshop available online

The complete catalogue raisonné of Frans Hals has been made available online.
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Frans Hals, Portrait of a man with a slouch hat, Kassel, Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel, Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, photo: Ute Brunzel


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