Vicky Eenhoorn


Information Specialist

T: 070 3339723

Medewerker RKD Vicky Eenhoorn

Curriculum Vitae and duties

Vicky Eenhoorn studied Art History at Leiden University. Through a minor in Conservation and Restoration at the University of Amsterdam, she discovered a passion for the materiality of art objects. To further explore this interest, she volunteered at the Archaeology department of the Municipality of The Hague. During the processing of the finds, she helped to inventory, categorise and register the archaeological material that came in. She also assisted the conservator-restorer in carrying out treatments for the preservation of objects, as well as in setting up and dismantling exhibitions. This combination of digitally and physically looking after a collection has prepared her for the position of Information Specialist, which she has held since July 2022 at the Collections Department of the RKD. Here she is responsible for, among other things, the application service in the book depository, the registration of periodicals in the catalogue and repackaging and providing insight into sub-collections.

Additional positions

Vicky Eenhoorn was a guest researcher at the Johan de Witt Foundation, where she helped to transcribe, digitise and unlock the correspondence of Johan de Witt (1625-1672) in the National Archives. This project is led by Dr Ineke Huysman of the Huygens Institute for Dutch History and contributes to the Early Modern Letters Online platform of the Bodleian Library and Oxford University. Vicky also chairs Culture Clash 4U, a multicultural foundation that organises activities to reduce the gap between youths of different nationalities and faiths.